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Beneficiary Summary File



The Master Beneficiary Summary File includes several segments.

Base (A/B/C/D) segment

This segment includes beneficiary enrollment information, such as the beneficiary unique identifier, state and county codes, zip code, date of birth, date of death, sex, race, age, monthly entitlement and enrollment information (A/B/C/D) and plan information for Medicare Advantage (Part C) and the Prescription Drug Program (Part D). Part C and Part D enrollment information is available beginning with the 2006 file year.

Chronic Conditions segment

This segment includes 27 chronic condition data warehouse flags called CCW Flags. This includes 6 new chronic conditions in addition to the 21 chronic conditions previously defined. For more information about the CCW Flags, please see the CCW User Guide.

Other Chronic or Potentially Disabling Conditions segment

The Other Chronic or Potentially Disabling Conditions segment of the MBSF contains 9 mental health and tobacco use conditions, 15 developmental disorder and disability-related conditions, and 9 other chronic physical and behavioral health conditions which were developed by CMS specifically to enhance research of the Medicare-Medicaid dually enrolled population.

Cost & Use segment

This segment includes summarized information about the service utilization and Medicare payment amounts by file type.

National Death Index (NDI) segment

This segment includes the National Death Index cause of death information. This is available for all Medicare beneficiaries from 1999-2008 and for Medicaid recipients from 1999-2007. There are no plans to update the NDI segment.


Base (A/B/C/D) Segment

Availability: CY 1999 - 2016

The Part D variables in the Base segment are available for years 2006 and forward only.

Chronic Conditions Segment

Availability: CY 1999 - 2016

Other Chronic or Potentially Disabling Conditions Segment

Availability: CY 1999 - 2016

Cost and Use Segment

Availability: CY 1999 - 2016

The mid-year Cost and Use segment, which is available in the Fall, will not include Part D claims information.

National Death Index Segment

Availability: CY 1999 - 2008

This is available for all Medicare beneficiaries from 1999-2008 and for Medicaid recipients from 1999-2007.

Data Documentation

Base (A/B/C/D) segment

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
2 RFRNC_YR Reference Year
3 ENRL_SRC Source of enrollment data *
4 SAMPLE_GROUP Medicare Sample Group Indicator *
5 EFIVEPCT Enhanced Medicare 5% Sample Indicator *
6 CRNT_BIC Current Beneficiary Identification Code *
7 STATE_CD State code for beneficiary (SSA code) *
8 CNTY_CD County Code for Beneficiary (SSA code) *
9 ZIP_CD 5-digit ZIP code for beneficiary *
10 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_01 State and county FIPS code - January *
11 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_02 State and county FIPS code - February *
12 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_03 State and county FIPS code - March *
13 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_04 State and county FIPS code - April *
14 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_05 State and county FIPS code - May *
15 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_06 State and county FIPS code - June *
16 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_07 State and county FIPS code - July *
17 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_08 State and county FIPS code - August *
18 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_09 State and county FIPS code - September *
19 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_10 State and county FIPS code - October *
20 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_11 State and county FIPS code - November *
21 STATE_CNTY_FIPS_CD_12 State and county FIPS code - December *
22 AGE Age of beneficiary at end of year *
23 BENE_DOB Beneficiary date of birth *
24 V_DOD_SW Valid Date of Death Switch *
25 DEATH_DT Date of Death *
26 SEX Sex *
27 RACE Beneficiary Race Code *
28 RTI_RACE_CD Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Race Code *
29 COVSTART Medicare Coverage Start Date *
30 OREC Original Reason for Entitlement Code *
31 CREC Current Reason for Entitlement Code *
32 ESRD_IND End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Indicator *
33 MDCR_STUS_CD_01 Medicare Status Code - January *
34 MDCR_STUS_CD_02 Medicare Status Code - February *
35 MDCR_STUS_CD_03 Medicare Status Code - March *
36 MDCR_STUS_CD_04 Medicare Status Code - April *
37 MDCR_STUS_CD_05 Medicare Status Code - May *
38 MDCR_STUS_CD_06 Medicare Status Code - June *
39 MDCR_STUS_CD_07 Medicare Status Code - July *
40 MDCR_STUS_CD_08 Medicare Status Code - August *
41 MDCR_STUS_CD_09 Medicare Status Code - September *
42 MDCR_STUS_CD_10 Medicare Status Code - October *
43 MDCR_STUS_CD_11 Medicare Status Code - November *
44 MDCR_STUS_CD_12 Medicare Status Code - December *
45 A_TRM_CD Part A Termination Code *
46 B_TRM_CD Part B Termination Code *
47 A_MO_CNT Part A Months Count *
48 B_MO_CNT Part B Months Count *
49 BUYIN_MO State Buy-In Coverage Count *
50 HMO_MO HMO Coverage Count *
51 PTD_MO Months of Part D Coverage *
52 RDS_MO Months of Retiree Drug Subsidy Coverage *
53 DUAL_MO Months of Dual Eligibility *
54 BUYIN01 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - January *
55 BUYIN02 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - February *
56 BUYIN03 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - March *
57 BUYIN04 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - April *
58 BUYIN05 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - May *
59 BUYIN06 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - June *
60 BUYIN07 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - July *
61 BUYIN08 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - August *
62 BUYIN09 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - September *
63 BUYIN10 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - October *
64 BUYIN11 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - November *
65 BUYIN12 Medicare Entitlement/Buy-In Indicator - December *
66 HMOIND01 HMO Indicator - January *
67 HMOIND02 HMO Indicator - February *
68 HMOIND03 HMO Indicator - March *
69 HMOIND04 HMO Indicator - April *
70 HMOIND05 HMO Indicator - May *
71 HMOIND06 HMO Indicator - June *
72 HMOIND07 HMO Indicator - July *
73 HMOIND08 HMO Indicator - August *
74 HMOIND09 HMO Indicator - September *
75 HMOIND10 HMO Indicator - October *
76 HMOIND11 HMO Indicator - November *
77 HMOIND12 HMO Indicator - December *

Part C

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_01 Part C Contract Number - January
2 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_02 Part C Contract Number - February
3 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_03 Part C Contract Number - March
4 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_04 Part C Contract Number - April
5 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_05 Part C Contract Number - May
6 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_06 Part C Contract Number - June
7 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_07 Part C Contract Number - July
8 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_08 Part C Contract Number - August
9 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_09 Part C Contract Number - September
10 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_10 Part C Contract Number - October
11 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_11 Part C Contract Number - November
12 PTC_CNTRCT_ID_12 Part C Contract Number - December
13 PTC_PBP_ID_01 Part C PBP Number - January *
14 PTC_PBP_ID_02 Part C PBP Number - February *
15 PTC_PBP_ID_03 Part C PBP Number - March *
16 PTC_PBP_ID_04 Part C PBP Number - April *
17 PTC_PBP_ID_05 Part C PBP Number - May *
18 PTC_PBP_ID_06 Part C PBP Number - June *
19 PTC_PBP_ID_07 Part C PBP Number - July *
20 PTC_PBP_ID_08 Part C PBP Number - August *
21 PTC_PBP_ID_09 Part C PBP Number - September *
22 PTC_PBP_ID_10 Part C PBP Number - October *
23 PTC_PBP_ID_11 Part C PBP Number - November *
24 PTC_PBP_ID_12 Part C PBP Number - December *
25 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_01 Part C Plan Type Code - January *
26 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_02 Part C Plan Type Code - February *
27 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_03 Part C Plan Type Code - March *
28 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_04 Part C Plan Type Code - April *
29 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_05 Part C Plan Type Code - May *
30 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_06 Part C Plan Type Code - June *
31 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_07 Part C Plan Type Code - July *
32 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_08 Part C Plan Type Code - August *
33 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_09 Part C Plan Type Code - September *
34 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_10 Part C Plan Type Code - October *
35 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_11 Part C Plan Type Code - November *
36 PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_12 Part C Plan Type Code - December *

Part D

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 PTDCNTRCT01 Part D Contract Number - January *
2 PTDCNTRCT02 Part D Contract Number - February *
4 PTDCNTRCT04 Part D Contract Number - April *
5 PTDCNTRCT05 Part D Contract Number - May *
6 PTDCNTRCT06 Part D Contract Number - June *
7 PTDCNTRCT07 Part D Contract Number - July *
8 PTDCNTRCT08 Part D Contract Number - August *
9 PTDCNTRCT09 Part D Contract Number - September *
10 PTDCNTRCT10 Part D Contract Number - October *
11 PTDCNTRCT11 Part D Contract Number - November *
12 PTDCNTRCT12 Part D Contract Number - December *
13 PTDPBPID01 Part D PBP Number - January *
14 PTDPBPID02 Part D PBP Number - February *
15 PTDPBPID03 Part D PBP Number - March *
16 PTDPBPID04 Part D PBP Number - April *
17 PTDPBPID05 Part D PBP Number - May *
18 PTDPBPID06 Part D PBP Number - June *
19 PTDPBPID07 Part D PBP Number - July *
20 PTDPBPID08 Part D PBP Number - August *
21 PTDPBPID09 Part D PBP Number - September *
22 PTDPBPID10 Part D PBP Number - October *
23 PTDPBPID11 Part D PBP Number - November *
24 PTDPBPID12 Part D PBP Number - December *
25 SGMTID01 Part D Segment Number - January *
26 SGMTID02 Part D Segment Number - February *
27 SGMTID03 Part D Segment Number - March *
28 SGMTID04 Part D Segment Number - April *
29 SGMTID05 Part D Segment Number - May *
30 SGMTID06 Part D Segment Number - June *
31 SGMTID07 Part D Segment Number - July *
32 SGMTID08 Part D Segment Number - August *
33 SGMTID09 Part D Segment Number - September *
34 SGMTID10 Part D Segment Number - October *
35 SGMTID11 Part D Segment Number - November *
36 SGMTID12 Part D Segment Number - December *
37 RDSIND01 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - January *
38 RDSIND02 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - February *
39 RDSIND03 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - March *
40 RDSIND04 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - April *
41 RDSIND05 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - May *
42 RDSIND06 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - June *
43 RDSIND07 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - July *
44 RDSIND08 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - August *
45 RDSIND09 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - September *
46 RDSIND10 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - October *
47 RDSIND11 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - November *
48 RDSIND12 Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicator - December *
49 DUAL_01 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - January *
50 DUAL_02 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - February *
51 DUAL_03 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - March *
52 DUAL_04 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - April *
53 DUAL_05 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - May *
54 DUAL_06 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - June *
55 DUAL_07 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - July *
56 DUAL_08 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - August *
57 DUAL_09 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - September *
58 DUAL_10 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - October *
59 DUAL_11 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - November *
60 DUAL_12 Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibility code - December *
61 CSTSHR01 Part D low-income cost share group code - January *
62 CSTSHR02 Part D low-income cost share group code - February *
63 CSTSHR03 Part D low-income cost share group code - March *
64 CSTSHR04 Part D low-income cost share group code - April *
65 CSTSHR05 Part D low-income cost share group code - May *
66 CSTSHR06 Part D low-income cost share group code - June *
67 CSTSHR07 Part D low-income cost share group code - July *
68 CSTSHR08 Part D low-income cost share group code - August *
69 CSTSHR09 Part D low-income cost share group code - September *
70 CSTSHR10 Part D low-income cost share group code - October *
71 CSTSHR11 Part D low-income cost share group code - November *
72 CSTSHR12 Part D low-income cost share group code - December *

National Death Index segment

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
2 RFRNC_YR Reference Year
3 DEATH_CERT_NUM NDI Death Certificate Number *
4 NDI_DOD NDI Date of Death *
5 NDI_STATE_DEATH_CD NDI State of Death *
6 ICD_CODE ICD-10 Code *
7 ICD_TITLE ICD-10 Title *
8 ICD_CODE_358 358 ICD-10 Recodes *
9 ICD_CODE_113 113 ICD-10 Recodes *
10 ENTITY_COND_1 (through ENTITY_COND_8) NDI Entity Axis Cause of Death - Condition *
11 RECORD_COND_1 (through RECORD_COND_8) NDI Record Axis Cause of Death - Condition *

Chronic Conditions segment

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
2 RFRNC_YR Reference Year
3 AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction End-of-Year Flag *
4 AMIM Acute Myocardial Infarction Mid-Year Flag *
5 AMIE First Occurrence of Acute Myocardial Infarction
6 ALZH Alzheimer's Disease End-of-Year Flag *
7 ALZHM Alzheimer's Disease Mid-Year Flag *
8 ALZHE First Occurrence of Alzheimer's Disease
9 ALZHDMTA Alzheimer's Disease and Rltd Disorders or Senile Dementia EOY Flag *
10 ALZHDMTM Alzheimer's Disease and Rltd Disorders or Senile Dementia Mid-Year Flag *
11 ALZHDMTE 1st Occrrnce of Alzheimer's Dsease and Rltd Disorders or Senile Dementia
12 ATRIALFB Atrial Fibrillation End-of-Year Flag *
13 ATRIALFM Atrial Fibrillation Mid-Year Flag *
14 ATRIALFE First Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation
15 CATARACT Cataract End-of-Year Flag *
16 CATARCTM Cataract Mid-Year Flag *
17 CATARCTE First Occurrence of Cataract
18 CHRNKIDN Chronic Kidney Disease End-of-Year Flag *
19 CHRNKDNM Chronic Kidney Disease Mid-Year Flag *
20 CHRNKDNE First Occurrence of Chronic Kidney Disease
21 COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease End-of-Year Flag *
22 COPDM Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Mid-Year Flag *
23 COPDE First Occurrence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
24 CHF Heart Failure End-of-Year Flag *
25 CHFM Heart Failure Mid-Year Flag *
26 CHFE First Occurrence of Heart Failure
27 DIABETES Diabetes End-of-Year Flag *
28 DIABTESM Diabetes Mid-Year Flag *
29 DIABTESE First Occurrence of Diabetes
30 GLAUCOMA Glaucoma End-of-Year Flag *
31 GLAUCMAM Glaucoma Mid-Year Flag *
32 GLAUCMAE First Occurrence of Glaucoma
33 HIPFRAC Hip/Pelvic Fracture End-of-Year Flag *
34 HIPFRACM Hip/Pelvic Fracture Mid-Year Flag *
35 HIPFRACE First Occurrence of Hip/Pelvic Fracture
36 ISCHMCHT Ischemic Heart Disease End-of-Year Flag *
37 ISCHMCHM Ischemic Heart Disease Mid-Year Flag *
38 ISCHMCHE First Occurrence of Ischemic Heart Disease
39 DEPRESSN Depression End-of-Year Flag *
40 DEPRSSNM Depression Mid-Year Flag *
41 DEPRSSNE First Occurrence of Depression
42 OSTEOPRS Osteoporosis End-of-Year Flag *
43 OSTEOPRM Osteoporosis Mid-Year Flag *
44 OSTEOPRE First Occurrence of Osteoporosis
45 RA_OA Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis End-of-Year Flag *
46 RA_OA_M Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis Mid-Year Flag *
47 RA_OA_E First Occurrence of Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis *
48 STRKETIA Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack End-of-Year Flag *
49 STRKTIAM Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack Mid-Year Flag *
50 STRKTIAE First Occurrence of Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack *
51 CNCRBRST Breast Cancer End-of-Year Flag *
52 CNCRBRSM Breast Cancer Mid-Year Flag *
53 CNCRBRSE First Occurrence of Breast Cancer *
54 CNCRCLRC Colorectal Cancer End-of-Year Flag *
55 CNCRCLRM Colorectal Cancer Mid-Year Flag *
56 CNCRCLRE First Occurrence of Colorectal Cancer *
57 CNCRPRST Prostate Cancer End-of-Year Flag *
58 CNCRPRSM Prostate Cancer Mid-Year Flag *
59 CNCRPRSE First Occurrence of Prostate Cancer
60 CNCRLUNG Lung Cancer End-of-Year Flag *
61 CNCRLNGM Lung Cancer Mid-Year Flag *
62 CNCRLNGE First Occurrence of Lung Cancer *
63 CNCRENDM Endometrial Cancer End-of-Year Flag *
64 CNCENDMM Endometrial Cancer Mid-Year Flag *
65 CNCENDME First Occurrence of Endometrial Cancer *
66 ANEMIA Anemia End Year Flag *
67 ANEMIA_MID Anemia Mid Year Flag *
68 ANEMIA_EVER Anemia First Ever Occurrence Date *
69 ASTHMA Asthma End Year Flag *
70 ASTHMA_MID Asthma Mid Year Flag *
71 ASTHMA_EVER Asthma First Ever Occurrence Date *
72 HYPERL Hyperlipidemia End Year Flag *
73 HYPERL_MID Hyperlipidemia Mid Year Flag *
74 HYPERL_EVER Hyperlipidemia First Ever Occurrence Date
75 HYPERP Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia End Year Flag *
76 HYPERP_MID Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Mid Year Flag *
77 HYPERP_EVER Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia First Ever Occurrence Date *
78 HYPERT Hypertension End Year Flag *
79 HYPERT_MID Hypertension Mid Year Flag *
80 HYPERT_EVER Hypertension First Ever Occurrence Date *
81 HYPOTH Acquired Hypothyroidism End Year Flag *
82 HYPOTH_MID Acquired Hypothyroidism Mid Year Flag *
83 HYPOTH_EVER Acquired Hypothyroidism First Ever Occurrence Date *

Other Chronic or Potentially Disabling Conditions

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
2 RFRNC_YR Reference Year
3 ACP_MEDICARE ADHD and Other Conduct Disorders - Medicare Only Claims *
4 ACP_MEDICARE_EVER ADHD and Other Conduct Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims *
5 ANXI_MEDICARE Anxiety Disorders - Medicare Only Claims *
6 ANXI_MEDICARE_EVER Anxiety Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims *
7 AUTISM_MEDICARE Autism Spectrum Disorders - Medicare Only Claims *
8 AUTISM_MEDICARE_EVER Autism Spectrum Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims *
9 BIPL_MEDICARE Bipolar Disorder - Medicare Only Claims *
10 BIPL_MEDICARE_EVER Bipolar Disorder First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims *
11 BRAINJ_MEDICARE Traumatic Brain Injury and Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders due to Brain Damage End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
12 BRAINJ_MEDICARE_EVER Traumatic Brain Injury and Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders due to Brain Damage First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims *
13 CERPAL_MEDICARE Cerebral Palsy End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
14 CERPAL_MEDICARE_EVER Cerebral Palsy First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
15 CYSFIB_MEDICARE Cystic Fibrosis and Other Metabolic Developmental Disorders End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
16 CYSFIB_MEDICARE_EVER Cystic Fibrosis and Other Metabolic Developmental Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
17 DEPSN_MEDICARE Major Depressive Affective Disorder End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
18 DEPSN_MEDICARE_EVER Major Depressive Affective Disorder First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
19 EPILEP_MEDICARE Epilepsy End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
20 EPILEP_MEDICARE_EVER Epilepsy First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
21 FIBRO_MEDICARE Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Fatigue End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
22 FIBRO_MEDICARE_EVER Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Fatigue First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
23 HEARIM_MEDICARE Sensory - Deafness and Hearing Impairment End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
24 HEARIM_MEDICARE_EVER Sensory - Deafness and Hearing Impairment First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
25 HEPVIRAL_MEDICARE Viral Hepatitis (General) End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
26 HEPVIRAL_MEDICARE_EVER Viral Hepatitis (General) First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
27 HIVAIDS_MEDICARE Human Immunodeficiency Virus and/or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
28 HIVAIDS_MEDICARE_EVER Human Immunodeficiency Virus and/or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
29 INTDIS_MEDICARE Intellectual Disabilities and Related Conditions End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
30 INTDIS_MEDICARE_EVER Intellectual Disabilities and Related Conditions First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
31 LEADIS_MEDICARE Learning Disabilities End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
32 LEADIS_MEDICARE_EVER Learning Disabilities First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
33 LEUKLYMPH_MEDICARE Leukemias and Lymphomas End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
34 LEUKLYMPH_MEDICARE_EVER Leukemias and Lymphomas First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
35 LIVER_MEDICARE Liver Disease Cirrhosis and Other Liver Conditions (excluding Hepatitis) End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
36 LIVER_MEDICARE_EVER Liver Disease, Cirrhosis and Other Liver Conditions (excluding Hepatitis) First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
37 MIGRAINE_MEDICARE Migraine and other Chronic Headache End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
38 MIGRAINE_MEDICARE_EVER Migraine and other Chronic Headache First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
39 MOBIMP_MEDICARE Mobility Impairments End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
40 MOBIMP_MEDICARE_EVER Mobility Impairments First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
41 MULSCL_MEDICARE Multiple Sclerosis and Transverse Myelitis End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
42 MULSCL_MEDICARE_EVER Multiple Sclerosis and Transverse Myelitis First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
43 MUSDYS_MEDICARE Muscular Dystrophy End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
44 MUSDYS_MEDICARE_EVER Muscular Dystrophy First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
45 OBESITY_MEDICARE Obesity End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
46 OBESITY_MEDICARE_EVER Obesity First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
47 OTHDEL_MEDICARE Other Developmental Delays End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
48 OTHDEL_MEDICARE_EVER Other Developmental Delays First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
49 PSDS_MEDICARE Personality Disorders End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
50 PSDS_MEDICARE_EVER Personality Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
51 PTRA_MEDICARE Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
52 PTRA_MEDICARE_EVER Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
53 PVD_MEDICARE Peripheral Vascular Disease End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
54 PVD_MEDICARE_EVER Peripheral Vascular Disease First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
55 SCHI_MEDICARE Schizophrenia End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
56 SCHI_MEDICARE_EVER Schizophrenia First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
57 SCHIOT_MEDICARE Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
58 SCHIOT_MEDICARE_EVER Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
59 SPIBIF_MEDICARE Spina Bifida and Other Congenital Anomalies of the Nervous System End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
60 SPIBIF_MEDICARE_EVER Spina Bifida and Other Congenital Anomalies of the Nervous System First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
61 SPIINJ_MEDICARE Spinal Cord Injury End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
62 SPIINJ_MEDICARE_EVER Spinal Cord Injury First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
63 TOBA_MEDICARE Tobacco Use Disorders End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
64 TOBA_MEDICARE_EVER Tobacco Use Disorders First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
65 ULCERS_MEDICARE Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Ulcers End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
66 ULCERS_MEDICARE_EVER Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Ulcers First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims
67 VISUAL_MEDICARE Sensory - Blindness and Visual Impairment End-of-Year Indicator - Medicare Only Claims *
68 VISUAL_MEDICARE_EVER Sensory - Blindness and Visual Impairment First Ever Occurrence Date - Medicare Only Claims

Cost and Use segment

Index SAS Name Variable Name Limitation Code Table
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
2 RFRNC_YR Reference Year
3 HOP_MDCR_PMT Hospital Outpatient Medicare Payments *
4 HOP_BENE_PMT Hospital Outpatient Beneficiary Payments *
5 HOP_VISITS Hospital Outpatient Visits *
6 HOP_ER_VISITS Hospital Outpatient Emergency Room Visits *
7 ACUTE_MDCR_PMT Acute Inpatient Medicare Payments *
8 ACUTE_BENE_PMT Acute Inpatient Beneficiary Payments *
9 ACUTE_COV_DAYS Acute Inpatient Covered Days *
10 ACUTE_STAYS Acute Inpatient Stays *
11 IP_ER_VISITS Inpatient Emergency Room Visits *
12 READMISSIONS Hospital Readmissions *
13 OIP_MDCR_PMT Other Inpatient Medicare Payments *
14 OIP_BENE_PMT Other Inpatient Beneficiary Payments *
15 OIP_COV_DAYS Other Inpatient Covered Days *
16 OIP_STAYS Other Inpatient Stays *
17 SNF_MDCR_PMT Skilled Nursing Facility Medicare Payments *
18 SNF_BENE_PMT Skilled Nursing Facility Beneficiary Payments *
19 SNF_COV_DAYS Skilled Nursing Facility Covered Days *
20 SNF_STAYS Skilled Nursing Facility Stays *
21 HOS_MDCR_PMT Hospice Medicare Payments *
22 HOS_COV_DAYS Hospice Covered Days *
23 HOS_STAYS Hospice Stays *
24 HH_MDCR_PMT Home Health Medicare Payments *
25 HH_VISITS Home Health Visits *
26 ASC_MDCR_PMT Ambulatory Surgery Center Medicare Payments *
27 ASC_BENE_PMT Ambulatory Surgery Center Beneficiary Payments *
28 ASC_EVENTS Ambulatory Surgery Center Events *
29 PTB_DRUG_MDCR_PMT Part B Drug Medicare Payments *
30 PTB_DRUG_BENE_PMT Part B Drug Beneficiary Payments *
31 PTB_DRUG_EVENTS Part B Drug Events *
32 EM_MDCR_PMT Evaluation and Management Medicare Payments *
33 EM_BENE_PMT Evaluation and Management Beneficiary Payments *
34 EM_EVENTS Evaluation and Management Events *
35 ANES_MDCR_PMT Anesthesia Medicare Payments *
36 ANES_BENE_PMT Anesthesia Beneficiary Payments *
37 ANES_EVENTS Anesthesia Events *
38 DIALYS_MDCR_PMT Dialysis Medicare Payments *
39 DIALYS_BENE_PMT Dialysis Beneficiary Payments *
40 DIALYS_EVENTS Dialysis Events *
41 OPROC_MDCR_PMT Other Procedures Medicare Payments *
42 OPROC_BENE_PMT Other Procedures Beneficiary Payments *
43 OPROC_EVENTS Other Procedures Events *
44 IMG_MDCR_PMT Imaging Medicare Payments *
45 IMG_BENE_PMT Imaging Beneficiary Payments *
46 IMG_EVENTS Imaging Events *
47 TEST_MDCR_PMT Tests Medicare Payments *
48 TEST_BENE_PMT Tests Beneficiary Payments *
49 TEST_EVENTS Tests Events *
50 DME_MDCR_PMT Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Payments *
51 DME_BENE_PMT Durable Medical Equipment Beneficiary Payments *
52 DME_EVENTS Durable Medical Equipment Events *
53 OTHC_MDCR_PMT Other Part B Carrier Medicare Payments *
54 OTHC_BENE_PMT Other Part B Carrier Beneficiary Payments *
55 OTHC_EVENTS Other Part B Carrier Events *
56 PHYS_MDCR_PMT Part B Physician Medicare Payments *
57 PHYS_BENE_PMT Part B Physician Beneficiary Payments *
58 PHYS_EVENTS Part B Physician Events *
59 PTD_MDCR_PMT Part D Medicare Payments *
60 PTD_BENE_PMT Part D Beneficiary Payments *
61 PTD_EVENTS Part D Events *
62 PTD_FILL_CNT Part D Fill Count *
63 PTD_TOTAL_RX_CST Part D Total Prescription Costs *