Lag and Post Event Spending¶
This document was originally written by Mauricio Cáceres.
Lagged and post utilization l-days before and since day t is complicated because of overlaps in time periods. Consider
|---------------| | x | |---------------|
Where x
marks an event during an admission, for instance. Say
we want to get inpatient charges 30 days before this event and
30 days after. Then
30 days [-------------) |---------------| | x | |---------------| (-------------] 30 days
We already have a complication: How do we count spending during the admission? We can't count all of it because some of it occurred after the event and some after. In this case we count
- For lag, take the charges during the admission and multiply by the portion of the admission that occurred from the admission until the event.
- For the post, take the charges during the admission and multiply by the portion of the admission that occurred from the event until discharge.
We apply a similar rule admissions pre and post:
A |----| [-------------) |---------------| | x | |---------------| (-------------] |---------| B
We could count all charges in A, as they occurred completely within the 30-day
window before the event. However, we only count the charges in B times
the proportion of days from the first date of B until x + 30
that are in
B. This is easy to visualize but a bit difficult to write down precisely.
You can see Maurice's code for guidance in
Code Example¶
The example I have is for carrier pre/post utilization in the carrier project:
%macro getCarrier( /* Outputs: & */ outlib, /* Output library */ prefix, /* Base data prefix (ip or med) */ basedata, /* Base data to use (ip or med) */ lag = 0 /* Compute utilization l days pre/post */ ); /* If &lag = 0, simply add up utilization within admit/disch. Otherwise add utilization &lag days pre/post event date. */ %if &lag. = 0 %then %goto nolag; %else %goto lagn; * If no lag, then simply sum all carrier expenditures during admission; %nolag: proc sql &sqlopts; create table & as select a.bene_id, b.admission_date, b.discharge_date, sum(a.car_tot) as car20_index label = "20% Carrier Util During Stay", sum(a.car_pmt) as car20_index_pmt label = "20% Carrier Paid by Medicare During Stay" from &outlib..car_tot a, &basedata.(keep = bene_id admission_date discharge_date) b where a.bene_id = b.bene_id and (b.admission_date <= a.expnsdt1 and a.expnsdt2 <= b.discharge_date) group by a.bene_id, b.admission_date, discharge_date; quit; %goto exit; %lagn: proc sql &sqlopts; create table & as select a.bene_id, dgn_date, sum(case /* event in [t - lag, t - 1] */ /* Hence we count all of it */ when expnsdt1 < dgn_date and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date - &lag. and expnsdt2 < dgn_date then car_tot * 1 /* event starts in [t - lag, t - 1], ends >= t */ /* Hence we count portion from start to t */ when expnsdt1 < dgn_date and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date - &lag. and expnsdt2 > dgn_date then car_tot * (dgn_date - expnsdt1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) /* event ends in [t - lag, t - 1], starts < t - lag */ /* Hence we count portion from t - lag to end */ when expnsdt2 < dgn_date and expnsdt2 >= dgn_date - &lag. and expnsdt1 < dgn_date - &lag. then car_tot * (expnsdt2 - (dgn_date - &lag.) + 1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) end) as car20_lag&lag. label = "Lagged &lag.-day 20% Carrier Util", sum(case /* event in [t - lag, t - 1] */ /* Hence we count all of it */ when expnsdt1 < dgn_date and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date - &lag. and expnsdt2 < dgn_date then car_pmt * 1 /* event starts in [t - lag, t - 1], ends >= t */ /* Hence we count portion from start to t */ when expnsdt1 < dgn_date and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date - &lag. and expnsdt2 > dgn_date then car_pmt * (dgn_date - expnsdt1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) /* event ends in [t - lag, t - 1], starts < t - lag */ /* Hence we count portion from t - lag to end */ when expnsdt2 < dgn_date and expnsdt2 >= dgn_date - &lag. and expnsdt1 < dgn_date - &lag. then car_pmt * (expnsdt2 - (dgn_date - &lag.) + 1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) end) as car20_lagpmt&lag. label = "Lagged &lag.-day 20% Carrier Paid by Medicare" from &outlib..car_tot a, &basedata.(keep = bene_id dgn_date) b where a.bene_id = b.bene_id and (expnsdt1 < dgn_date and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date - &lag. or expnsdt2 < dgn_date and expnsdt2 >= dgn_date - &lag.) group by a.bene_id, dgn_date; create table & as select a.bene_id, dgn_date, sum(case /* event in [t, t + lag - 1] */ /* Hence we count all of it */ when expnsdt2 > dgn_date and expnsdt2 < dgn_date + &lag. and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date then car_tot * 1 /* event ends in [t, t + lag - 1], starts < t */ /* Hence we count portion from t to end */ when expnsdt2 >= dgn_date and expnsdt2 < dgn_date + &lag. and expnsdt1 < dgn_date then car_tot * (expnsdt2 - dgn_date + 1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) /* event starts in [t, t + lag - 1], ends >= t + lag */ when expnsdt1 >= dgn_date and expnsdt1 < dgn_date + &lag. and expnsdt2 >= dgn_date + &lag. then car_tot * (dgn_date + &lag. - expnsdt1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) end) as car20_post&lag. label = "Post &lag.-day 20% Carrier Util", sum(case /* event in [t, t + lag - 1] */ /* Hence we count all of it */ when expnsdt2 > dgn_date and expnsdt2 < dgn_date + &lag. and expnsdt1 >= dgn_date then car_pmt * 1 /* event ends in [t, t + lag - 1], starts < t */ /* Hence we count portion from t to end */ when expnsdt2 >= dgn_date and expnsdt2 < dgn_date + &lag. and expnsdt1 < dgn_date then car_pmt * (expnsdt2 - dgn_date + 1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) /* event starts in [t, t + lag - 1], ends >= t + lag */ /* Hence we count portion from start to t */ when expnsdt1 >= dgn_date and expnsdt1 < dgn_date + &lag. and expnsdt2 >= dgn_date + &lag. then car_pmt * (dgn_date + &lag. - expnsdt1) / (expnsdt2 - expnsdt1 + 1) end) as car20_postpmt&lag. label = "Post &lag.-day 20% Carrier Paid by Medicare" from &outlib..car_tot a, &basedata.(keep = bene_id dgn_date) b where a.bene_id = b.bene_id and (expnsdt1 > dgn_date and expnsdt1 <= dgn_date + &lag. or expnsdt2 > dgn_date and expnsdt2 <= dgn_date + &lag.) group by a.bene_id, dgn_date; quit; %goto exit; %exit: %mend getCarrier;
Mathematical Formulae¶
Mathematically, the rules are as follows:
$$ \begin{aligned} \text{(pre)} \quad\quad \text{weight}^{t^* - l}_{idht} & = \begin{cases} 1 & t^* - l \le \text{admit}_{idht}, \text{disch}_{idht} < t^* \\[15pt] \dfrac{\text{disch}_{idht} - (t^* -l) + 1}{\text{disch}_{idht} - \text{admit}_{idht} + 1} & \text{admit}_{idht} < t^* - l \le \text{disch}_{idht} < t^* \\[15pt] \dfrac{t^* - \text{admit}_{idht}}{\text{disch}_{idht} - \text{admit}_{idht} + 1} & t^* - l \le \text{admit}_{idht} < t^* \le \text{disch}_{idht} \\[15pt] 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \\ \text{(post)} \quad\quad \text{weight}^{t^* + l}_{idht} & = \begin{cases} 1 & t^* \le \text{admit}_{idht}, \text{disch}_{idht} < t^* + l \\[15pt] \dfrac{t^* + l - \text{admit}_{idht}}{\text{disch}_{idht} - \text{admit}_{idht} + 1} & t^* \le \text{admit}_{idht} < t^* + l \le \text{disch}_{idht} \\[15pt] \dfrac{\text{disch}_{idht} - t^* + 1}{\text{disch}_{idht} - \text{admit}_{idht} + 1} & \text{admit}_{idht} < t^* \le \text{disch}_{idht} < t^* + l \\[15pt] 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$ And now define lag/lead utilization: $$ \begin{aligned} y_{idh, t^* - l} & = \sum^{}_{t \ne t^*} \text{weight}^{t^* - l}_{idht} \cdot y_{idht} \\ y_{idh, t^* + l} & = \sum^{}_{t \ne t^*} \text{weight}^{t^* + l}_{idht} \cdot y_{idht} \\ \end{aligned} $$ Though in our example all lag and post periods are admissions, it can be anything with start and an endpoints.