This website is intended to be a single repository for most Medicare data documentation needs.
The NBER Documentation section holds reformatted pages sourced from the National Bureau of Economic Research's public Medicare documentation (free log in required). The ResDAC Documentation section holds codebooks and variable descriptions scraped from the ResDAC website.
The other tabs hold user-written documentation.
This website is easily searchable. Click on the search bar at the top or use the F or S keys to bring up a responsive search. Try searching for clm_id
to find the page for the "Claim ID" variable. Note, this search may be slow on first use while your browser indexes the site.
This website is created using a site generator sourced from a Github repository. This means that you can easily contribute! Click on the edit icon on a page to get to the source file on Github. With a free Github account you can propose changes to files. The source files are written in the intuitive Markdown format. Here's a helpful cheatsheet for basic formatting in markdown.
You can also create an issue on Github to suggest an idea.
This website is not affiliated with the NBER, ResDAC, or CMS. Every effort is made for documentation to be up to date, but no guarantees are provided. If something isn't up to date, or you have some documentation you've written that you'd like to add, head to the Github repository and contribute!