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A Python-facing Arrow field.

This is a wrapper around a [FieldRef].


metadata: dict[bytes, bytes] = <attribute 'metadata' of 'arro3.core._core.Field' objects>

The schema's metadata.


metadata_str: dict[str, str] = <attribute 'metadata_str' of 'arro3.core._core.Field' objects>

The schema's metadata where keys and values are str, not bytes.


name: str = <attribute 'name' of 'arro3.core._core.Field' objects>

The field name.


nullable: bool = <attribute 'nullable' of 'arro3.core._core.Field' objects>

The field nullability.


type: DataType = <attribute 'type' of 'arro3.core._core.Field' objects>

Create new field without metadata, if any

__arrow_c_schema__ method descriptor

__arrow_c_schema__() -> object

An implementation of the Arrow PyCapsule Interface. This dunder method should not be called directly, but enables zero-copy data transfer to other Python libraries that understand Arrow memory.

For example, you can call pyarrow.field() to convert this array into a pyarrow field, without copying memory.

equals method descriptor

equals(other: ArrowSchemaExportable) -> bool

Test if this field is equal to the other

from_arrow builtin

from_arrow(input: ArrowSchemaExportable) -> Field

Construct this from an existing Arrow object.

It can be called on anything that exports the Arrow schema interface (__arrow_c_schema__).

from_arrow_pycapsule builtin

from_arrow_pycapsule(capsule) -> Field

Construct this object from a bare Arrow PyCapsule

remove_metadata method descriptor

remove_metadata() -> Field

Create new field without metadata, if any